Harrington and Richardson
M50 Reising
This is a model 50 Reising in 45 acp with one 20 round magazine.
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This is a model 50 Reising in 45 acp with one 20 round magazine.
Harrington and Richardson
Reising Model 50 45 acp Are you looking for the perfect blend of accuracy, reliability, and power in a submachine gun? Look no further than the Reising M50. Crafted with precision engineering and...
Harrington and Richardson Reising Model 50 45 acp with 1 magazine. The fins are all intact on the flash hider !
Harrington and Richardson
Harrington and Richardson M50 Reising 45 acp 1 mag
Harrington and Richardson
Harrington and Richardson Reising 45 acp 1 20 round mag with sling
Stemple 76 / 45 Stemple 76 in 45 acp with 2 mags.