RPB Industries
M10 45 acp
Original RPB 2 stage M10 45 acp silencer that has a "wiped" end.
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Original RPB 2 stage M10 45 acp silencer that has a "wiped" end.
RPB Industries M10 9mm Uzi Lower that takes cheaper and more reliable uzi mags Gemtech Viper Silencer Lage Upper Mini Uzi side folding stock
RPB Industries Mac-10 9mm This is complete with the Cobray Assault Bag, 3 original mags, compensator, and Original wiped suppressor.
Stemple 76 / 45 Stemple 76 in 45 acp with 2 mags.
Stemple Model 76 / 45 45 acp 1 mag A standard locking bolt was put on the stock assembly to keep it more secure. We will ship the screw with spring as well if you would like to put...